Barry and June's Christmas Party 2003
These are pictures taken of the 'after-Christmas party' thrown by Barry and June Jarrett. The names are not changed, because we have no desire to protect the guilty.
Here's what Doug Cadmus had to say about the party:
I'm not sure what I remember. Brain dump follows...
June gives super hugs.
Fido rides an elevator.
Thunder likes snow.
Don't forget: acidified water.
One can never be too rich, or have too much salmon.
Ed is a sneaky shutterbug.
I think the look is less Jackie Gleason, more Tony Soprano.
Pink stuff is *not* crackers-optional.
Two more fall to the ol' mocha del mundo trick.
Drew curdles Bailey's, which is likely illegal in several states.
"It's an ale thing."
Up is up and down is down, but left is right and vice versa.
"Bring us... a shrubbery!"
Guinness is Good For You.
"For God's sake, don't ring the doorbell."
All in all, Barry and June are fabulous and hugely generous and gracious
I'm already looking forward to next year.
Finally, two notes:
Barry, don't forget your Fair Trade / Auction idea.
And June, there is *absolutely* enough room on the bake table.
I think Doug summed it up completely, but I'll add a bit of stream of
consciousness... I did sleep on the floor, and no cats slept on my face like
last year. I drank a LOT of espresso, but still slept after 4:30am. Those
tiny eclairs were filled with some sort of very highly addicting stuff. I am
embarrassed to even think about how many I ate. Local glazed donuts were way
better than any Krispy Kremes I've ever had. I didn't think that was
possible. I will never think of pink fluff the same way again. I hope the
"Fluff Nazi" is feeling better.
Smoked salmon and salmon mousse were great for breakfast. Barry poured a
perfect heart on my demi cappuccino (picture to follow). June has a really cool
non-slip grip crystal goblet that holds a lot of wine. June is also so cool.
I thoroughly enjoyed her wit and harassment all weekend. Barry's got
more toys than any kid I know. The laptop and datalogger were better than
cable. I finally saw evidence of exothermic beans.
Guinness and espresso go really well together. I know way too much about the
baking table at Riley's. The staff at Riley's that attended the party ROCK!
Way cool guys and gals. Lots of fun. I have never talked so much about so
many technical things concerning coffee in such a short span in my life.
Information overload. The Papua New Guinea green I bought from Barry roasted wonderfully. I love that stuff. Pffffftttttt...on the Chicago
coalition that wimped out at the last minute and didn't come. Did I say
Pfffffftttttt!!! same goes for particular people from Virginia and Canada
that had really lame excuses like..."I gotta work", and "I'm saving my money
for better things". Nee !! Nee !!
Thanks Barry and June.
Ed Needham
Click to enlarge
June and her mother Helen. (There June. This year you get pictures)
Thunder, the Wonder Dog.
The pastries June makes are out of this world. They sell them at Riley's too. Yum.
The 'token' health food.
"...and awayyyy weeeee goooo!"
Food, more food, and then even more food.
Barry's spare La Pavoni PUB espresso machine was up and running all night.
Barry tweaks and twiddles until it is perfect.
Barry hooked up the datalogger and laptop to the Nuova Simonelli. That baby runs a bit hot...shots were great though.
Doug Cadmus was always in on the espresso action.
If you look in the background, you'll see Barrys little roaster that he's building. No doubt it'll be a winner.
June and Jim.
June and Jim again.
Doug Cadmus, Dave Edgar, and Jim Davis hanging out in the basement. Jim is an altie as well as Dave. OK, Doug is too .
Most of these people are either staff at Riley's, past staff, or friends of staff at Riley's. Really cool.
Melissa and Chel making up stories in the basement.
Dave Edgar-occasional altie. If he takes one more picture, his eyes are going to stay that way. Dave, we warned you. Hey, thanks for the Nikon motor drive. I can't wait to get it. (Nice guy)
Jane-Dave's wife before espressos.
Jane again, after several espressos.
Bo and Allison had a baby between parties. Meet Ewan.
Chel says, "If I mix this, and this, will it taste good?" Don't do it Chel!
Chel's boyfriend, Adam.
"...and you tamp 'this' hard to get the perfect shot."
Doug tries his hand at one of many doubles.
...and another...
Barry and his father Tom Jarrett. What a team!
Bryan and Rita
Jane, looking at all the coffee hounds in amazement
I don't think anyone drank any of this. Too busy with espresso drinks.
Tom Jarrett in the basement with an audience.
Bill, Brad and his wife, Vicky
Barry's Heart Cappuccino
Jeff Davis, Becky, and Joyce
Larry and Beth
Vicky and June
June, Joyce and Tressa
Ally and Bo
"You cannot leave this party! It's not over until we watch Monty's Holy Grail movie!
Bo and Adam
Ally with Ewan, and Chel
June had a really good time, and was delightful all evening. Morning came wayyyy to soon though.
Thissshhh sthhufff isshhh soooooo goooooooood.
"This is how they did it..."
Hey Bill!
Nicole, June and Nicole's boyfriend Marcus.
Another Jim
June and Jane
Dave has as many camera toys as Barry does coffee toys. He was trying to swap a really nice camera for the Simonelli. Barry could take some really great shots of shots then.
Fido, the Dwarf Hamster sleeping. Let's all do the hamster dance! De de deee, de de deee, de de deee deee. De de deee, de de deee de deeeeee. De de deee, de de deee, de de deeee deeeeee, de de da de de deeee, de de dooooooooo.
Barry and Kendra with the Kung-Fu hamster and hamster puppet.
The Homeroaster ™ is dedicated to helping the coffee homeroaster explore, find, acquire, roast and brew coffee to achieve the ultimate coffee experience. If you have suggestions for articles or information concerning homeroasting, please send them to me. Great things are coming in the near future for homeroasting, and I am excited about the possibilities! Please check back soon for great homeroasting information and opportunities for coffee homeroasters!
Ed Needham
Quote of the day..." Drink Good Coffee. You can sleep when you're DEAD! "
author unknown, but passed on to me by Robert Holland on the Homeroast List--Thanks!
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Ed Needham-Owner
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
This page revised January 29, 2003